The brain, its parts and its different functions.
Intellectual and unconscious functions The brain and spinal cord provide all intellectual functions, unconscious functions such as breathing and
Read MoreLes Pouvoirs Médicinaux des Phytonutriments
Intellectual and unconscious functions The brain and spinal cord provide all intellectual functions, unconscious functions such as breathing and
Read MoreWild blueberry/blueberry, cranberry and elderberry (syrup) are among the only fruits that can be used as medicinal ingredients to develop consumable natural health products recognized by Health Canada.
Read MoreShah, I., Petroczy, A., James, R.A. and Naughton, D.P. (2013) Determination of nitrate and nitrite content of dietary supplements using
Read MoreGeneral The name of the bear bearola comes from the Provençal bouisserolo,which designates boxwood. Its botanical name, Arctostaphylos uva ursi
Read MoreGeneral The ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a species of plants native to Asia whose rhizome is used in cooking and
Read MoreCranberries are best known for their role in preventing urinary tract infections, especially for those with recurrent infections. The high level of proanthocyanidins (PAC) in cranberries helps reduce the adhesion of certain bacteria (especially Ecoli) to the walls of the urinary tract, in turn, preventing bacteria from adhering to them and causing a urinary tract infection.
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