Ginkgo biloba and its medicinal virtues
Medicinal virtues
Ginkgo biloba is believed to have possible effects on cardiovascular disease due to its ability to dilate blood vessels and inhibit the aggregation of blood platelets.
Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in its first stages of development
Researchers redid the analysis of all published studies taking into account each form of dementia and concluded that ginkgo would have a significant effect on cognitive functions,all dementias combined.
It should be noted that ginkgo is included in the ATC (Anatomical Therapeutical Chemical) classification of the World Health Organization, among the drugs against dementia.
A standardized/standardized extract of gingko leaf taken at a rate of 240-480 mg/day may reduce anxiety symptoms after 4 weeks.
Gingko is used as an adjuvant to antipsychotics that create negative symptoms. By combining gingko leaf extract at a dosage of 120 to 360 mg/day) with prescribed antipsychotics, the negative effects are reduced.
Brain function

Several studies have further shown that a combination of ginkgo biloba with Panax ginseng could improve memory in healthy individuals. (Scholey, Wesnes, Singh).
As for cognitive faculties, the results obtained so far do not allow us to say that ginkgo improves them or that it slows down their decline associated with aging.
A few studies show a slight improvement in memory and cognitive ailments in the elderly. On the other hand, others claim the opposite or are at least septic.
With regard to Alzheimer’s disease, a large study (GuidAge) was launched in 2008 in Europe in subjects aged 70 years, healthy or suffering from mild cognitive impairment, with the aim of studying the preventive effect of EGb 761 (120 mg twice daily) in Alzheimer’s disease8. This study published in 2012 reported no preventive effect of the extract (Vellas), confirming the previous results (Snitz).
Taking a standardized extract (EGb 761) at 120 mg/day for six months (120 mg/day for 6 months) appears to improve color vision in diabetics with retinopathy.
Two studies reported a slowdown in vision deterioration in patients with glaucoma treated with gingko biloba extract (120-160 mg/day) (Health Passport).
Raynaud’s disease
The standardized extract of ginkgo leaves is recognized by the World Health Organization for the treatment of disorders related to peripheral arterial resistance, of which Raynaud’s disease is a part. On this subject, scientists do not all agree and studies are continuing in order to clarify the obscure points.
Its sexual virtues
Many plants are supposed to awaken sexual desire or help the physical side to achieve the expected performance. Some of them are part of our diet such as: artichoke, ginger, cayenne, vanilla and chocolate. Others such as ginkgo biloba,Asian and American ginseng, rhodiola, and maca that would stimulate pshychic, require some preparation to be consumed. However, with the exception of maca recognized by Health Canada to have certain effects on sexual well-being,Western science has never been able to demonstrate these facts. On the other hand, in Asian culture, more than a hundred species of plants including gingko and also animal substances such as rhino horn and also velvet wood are widely accepted either as a sexual stimulant, mental or physical.
For some fruits and vegetables such as spinach, beetroot, watermelon, pomegranate and broccoli, the explanation is simpler, it is their nitrate concentration. The cavernous bodies of the penis and clitoris are a small spongy ball of very small nerves surrounded by blood vessels. In men, the cavernous body is located in the penis from its base (much like an inner tube). In women, it surrounds the clitoris. During sexual periods, it becomes engorged with blood and becomes active. Its stimulation depends on the relaxation of the genital muscles. Nitric oxide (NO) and its metabolite cyclic GMP directly influences the erectile mechanism in both men and women. In humans, its action leads to the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the penis, which has the effect of facilitating the passage of blood from the penile veins and leading to swelling of the penis. The more marked the presence of cGMP, the longer lasting and stronger the erection will be. In women, a similar but less strong phenomenon occurs in the clitoris.
Source: Health Canada –
- Nomenclature of the Compendium of Medicinal Ingredients
- Drugs and natural health products
- Product Monograph: Gingko biloba
The purpose of this monograph is to serve as a guide for industry in the preparation of licence applications and labels for the purpose of obtaining a product market authorization. It is not intended to be an in-depth study of the medicinal (medicinal) ingredient(s).
This monograph is a document, with supporting references, to be used as a labelling standard.
Note: Parentheses contain optional information elements — they do not need to be included in the Product Licence Application (MDL) or product label. The forward slash (/) indicates that the terms are synonymous. The applicant may use any of the terms indicated.
Date: 2009-06-24
Name of NHPID
Ginkgo biloba
Proper name(s)
Ginkgo biloba L. (Ginkgoaceae)
Common name(s)
- Ecu tree
- Tree with forty ecus
- Tree of Heaven
- Ginkgo
- Ginkgo biloba
- Japanese walnut
Material of origin
Route of administration
Dosage form(s)
- Foods or food-like dosage forms such as bars, chewing gum or beverages are excluded from this monograph.
- Acceptable dosage forms include, but are not limited to, strips, capsules, tablets, chewable dosage forms (e.g., tablets, gummies), liquids or powders.
Recommended use(s) or purpose(s)
Statement(s) specifying the following:
- Helps improve cognitive function in adults
- Helps improve memory in adults
- Helps to maintain peripheral traffic
Preparation: All standardized extracts
Dose(s): 4 – 12 Grams per day, dried leaves
- 22-27 Percent flavoglycosides
- 5-7 Percent terpeno-lactones
Refer to Appendix 1 for relevant examples of dose and frequency preparations for use, as referenced above. The purpose of Annex 1 is to provide guidance to industry.
Duration of use
- For products providing 4 – 5.99 Grams per day:
Consult a health care practitioner if use extends beyond 8 months
- For products providing 6 – 9 Grams per day:
Consult a health care practitioner if use extends beyond 6 weeks
- For products providing 9.01 – 12 Grams per day:
Consult a health care practitioner if use extends beyond 4 weeks
Mention of risks
Statement(s) specifying the following:
Precaution(s) and warning(s):
- Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding
- Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are taking medication for diabetes, high blood pressure or seizures
Do not use if you are taking health products that may have an effect on blood clotting (e.g. anticoagulant agents, replacement therapy with clotting factors, acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, fish oil, vitamin E); these products may increase the risk of spontaneous bleeding
Known adverse reaction(s):
Statement not required
Non-medicinal ingredients
Must be selected from the current database of natural health product ingredients and must comply with the restrictions defined in the database.
- Finished product specifications must be established in accordance with the requirements outlined in the NHPD’s Natural Health Product Quality Reference Guide.
- The medicinal ingredient must comply with the requirements set out in the Natural Health Products Ingredients Database(NHPID).
- The medicinal ingredient may comply with the specifications set out in the following officinal monographs: ‘Ginkgo Leaf’ published in the British Pharmacopoeia (BP), ‘Ginkgo Leaf (Ginkgonis folium)’ published in the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.), or ‘Ginkgo’, ‘Powdered Ginkgo Extract’, ‘Ginkgo Capsules’ and ‘Ginkgo Tablets’ published in the Us Pharmacopoeia (USP).
References cited
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Appendix 1: Examples of Dosage Preparations, Frequencies and Directions for Use
Standardized extract:
- Dry extract equivalent to 4 g of dried leaves, per day (50 1, 80 mg) (Santos et al. 2003)
- Dry extract equivalent to 3 to 4 g of dried leaves, 2 to 3 times a day (50:1, 60-80 mg) (Elsbagh et al. 2005; Boelsma et al. 2004; Cieza et al. 2003; Mehlsen et al. 2002; Mix and Crews 2002; Moulton et al. 2001; Stough et al. 2001; Kennedy et al. 2000; Mix and Crews 2000; Pittler and Ernst 2000)