Five-leaf ginseng / American ginseng / Panax quinquefolius
American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) is also known as five-leaflet/star ginseng. A temperate forest plant, American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) is native to the rich deciduous forests of Canada and the eastern half of the United States to the edge of Florida. American Ginseng grows on drained soils rich in humus. A ginseng plant can measure from 20 to 70 centimeters in height. Ginseng with five leaflets blooms in June. A ginseng plant with five leaflets can live up to 60 years. Ginseng produced in the wild is of better quality than intensively produced in the undergrowth or fields. The risks associated with growing ginseng are great and it is very demanding. Success rates are highly variable and the need to follow the rules of cultivation is mandatory.
Ginseng with five leaflets was discovered in America in the early 1700s. Native Americans used ginseng roots to prepare their traditional remedies. It was not until 1715 that a Jesuit priest in Quebec would have identified American ginseng as the North American equivalent of oriental ginseng (Panax ginseng). The good Jesuit then had the idea of exporting it to Hong Kong. Being highly appreciated in Asia for its various uses, his commercial initiative was so fulfilled that a solid trade in the export of dried roots to China was set up and quickly rivaled the fur trade.
All the roots were harvested from the forests. The over-harvesting of this plant in the wild during this prosperous period of trade with Hong Kong caused its virtual disappearance. Gradually, the quantities of natural Ginseng have decreased and almost disappeared. Due to over- and illegal harvesting and habitat destruction, this species has been listed as endangered nationally. In Quebec the species is considered threatened while in Ontario it is classified as endangered. Today, the collection, import and export of five-leaf ginseng in Canada is regulated and carefully monitored. Only the trade in cultivated five-leaf ginseng is legal in Canada. Approximately 85% of ginseng roots produced in North America are destined for the Asian market. Within this market, North American ginseng is clearly distinguished from Chinese ginseng in terms of medicinal properties. In Canada, mainly field roots are exported (2,670,000 kg for a total of C$70,219,771 in 2008) (2).
Ginsengs that are not ginseng
The name « ginseng » is often given to plants that are not ginseng. Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus – eleutherococcus), women’s ginseng or Chinese angelica (Angelica sinensis), Brazilian ginseng (Pfaffia paniculata – suma), Peruvian ginseng (Lepdium meyenii – maca) and Indian ginseng (Withania somnifera – ashwagandha) are not part of the botanical genus Panax. Even if these plants have medicinal value, they cannot be equated with ginseng and attributed the effects described for 5-star ginseng (panax quinquefolius). Just compare with the maca plug to see the difference.
Phytonutrients and minerals
The medicinal action of ginseng is attributed to its unique class of compounds called ginsenosides (molecules that correspond to the plant’s immune system) from the saponin family.
Its medicinal virtues
Ginseng root is widely used worldwide for its adaptogenic, immunomodulatory (treatment that stimulates or slows down the reactions of the body’s immune system), antineoplastic (drug intended to block the proliferation of cancer cells), cardiovascular, endocrine (secretion of ormones) and ergogenic (substances that increase performance or work capacity and have the potential to become doping). On the other hand, some ergogenics are not prohibited, such as proteins or creatine. The root of quinquefolius ginseng is known to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, protect against stress, improve strength and promote relaxation. It is classified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a « Generally Recognized Safe Food » (GRAS). Here is what Health Canada recognizes (recommended uses and purposes) for Ginseng quinquefolius.
- Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for insufficient Qi and Yin, for internal heat, for cough, for the presence of blood in mucus, for fire during insufficiency syndrome, for dysphoria and fatigue, for thirst, dry mouth and throat
- Used in herbal medicine/herbalism as a supportive therapy to help control glucose levels
- Traditionally used in herbal medicine/herbalism to help relieve nervousness (mild sedative)
- Traditionally used in herbal medicine/herbalism to help relieve nerve dyspepsia / to aid digestion in cases of nervousness and/or stress
- Used in herbal medicine/herbalism as an adaptogen to help maintain the health of the immune system
Its sexual virtues
Many plants are supposed to awaken sexual desire or help the physical side to achieve the expected performance. Some of them are part of our diet such as artichoke, ginger, vanilla, chocolate. Others such as Ginseng require some preparation to be consumed. However, with the exception of maca recognized by Health Canada to have certain effects on sexual well-being,Western science has never been able to demonstrate these facts. On the other hand, in Asian culture more than a hundred species of plants and also animal substances such as rhino horn and also velvet wood are widely accepted either as a sexual stimulant, mental or physical.
For some fruits and vegetables such as spinach, beetroot, watermelon, pomegranate and broccoli, the explanation is simpler, their nitrate concentration. The cavernous bodies of the penis and clitoris are a small spongy ball of very small nerves surrounded by blood vessels. In men, the cavernous body is located in the penis from its base (much like an inner tube). In women, it surrounds the clitoris. During sexual periods, it becomes engorged with blood and becomes active. Its stimulation depends on the relaxation of the genital muscles. Nitric oxide (NO) and its metabolite cyclic GMP directly influences the erectile mechanism in both men and women. In men its action leads to the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the penis, which has the effect of facilitating the passage of blood from the penile veins and leading to swelling of the penis. The more marked the presence of GMP, the more durable and strong the erection will be. In women a similar but less strong phenomenon occurs in the clitoris.
Health Canada Product Monograph
Date: 2015-07-06
Name of NHPID
Panax quinquefolius
Proper name(s)
Panax quinquefolius L. (Araliaceae)
Common name(s)
- Ginseng with five leaflets
- American ginseng
Material of origin
Panax quinquefolius is a species at risk in the wild; the only acceptable source material is the root of cultivated plants (EC 2009). See specifications for more details.
Route of administration
Dosage form(s)
- Foods or food-like dosage forms such as bars, chewing gum or beverages are excluded from this monograph.
- Acceptable dosage forms include, but are not limited to, strips, capsules, tablets, chewable dosage forms (e.g., tablets, gummies), liquids or powders.
Recommended use(s) or purpose(s)
Statement(s) specifying the following:
- Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for insufficient Qi and Yin, for internal heat, for cough, for the presence of blood in mucus, for fire during insufficiency syndrome, for dysphoria and fatigue, for thirst, dry mouth and throat
- Used in herbal medicine/herbalism as a supportive therapy to help control glucose levels
- Traditionally used in herbal medicine/herbalism to help relieve nervousness (mild sedative)
- Traditionally used in herbal medicine/herbalism to help relieve nerve dyspepsia / to aid digestion in cases of nervousness and/or stress
- Used in herbal medicine/herbalism as an adaptogen to help maintain the health of the immune system
Preparation: Decoction
Dose(s): 2.4 – 9 Grams per day, dried root
Glucose levels; Mild sedative; Nervousness; Immune system
Preparation: Dry, powder, decoction and infusion + liquid extracts + dried extracts, tinture, fluid extract.
Dose(s): 0.5 – 12 Grams per day, dried root
Duration of use
Statement not required
Mention of risks
Statement(s) specifying the following:
Precaution(s) and warning(s):
- If you have diabetes, consult a health care practitioner before using it
- If you are taking blood thinners or digoxin, consult a health care practitioner before using them
Statement not required
Known adverse reaction(s):
Statement not required
Non-medicinal ingredients
Must be selected from the current Natural Health Products Ingredient Database and must meet the restrictions defined in the database.
- Finished product specifications must be established in accordance with the requirements outlined in the NHPDNatural Health Product Quality Reference Guide.
- The medicinal ingredient must comply with the requirements set out in the Natural Health Products Ingredients Database(NHPID).
- The medicinal ingredient may conform to the specifications set out in the American Ginseng, Powdered American Ginseng monographs of the U.S. Pharmacopoeia (USP 38).
- Proof of purchase or a permit to own the Panax quinquefolius crop must be available as the plant is a species at risk in the wild: (i) Panax quinquefolius is protected in Canada under the Species at Risk Act (SARA). According to section 32(2) of the Act, it is prohibited to possess, collect, buy, sell or trade any individual – including part of an individual or a product deceased from it – of a wildlife species listed as extirpated, endangered or threatened (JC 2015), (ii) Panax quinquefolius is protected in Quebec by the Act respecting threatened or vulnerable species (LEMV). This law prohibits harming, possessing, trading in, or disturbing the habitat of this species (EC 2015).
References cited
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