Cranberry and wild blueberry against periodontitis and the health of your skin
The more you search, the more you find. For example, cranberry’s ability to reduce the risk of periodontics. Periodontics as well as recurrent cystitis would also be the business of proanthocyans. Researchers at the Center for Oral Biology in the Eastman Department of Dentistry at the University of Rochester Medical Center argue that the proanthocyanes in cranberries, which help prevent urinary tract infections, can also prevent bacteria from binding to teeth and thus be beneficial in preventing gum disease including periodontia. Since the phenolic composition of wild blueberries is quite similar to that of cranberries, wild blueberries also contain a lot of them.
A study carried out by researchers Daniel Grenier (GREB, dentistry) and Yves Desjardins (INAF), in collaboration with Stéphanie Dudonné (INAF) and Dr. Amel Ben Lagha, reports on the effectiveness of wild blueberry extracts enriched with polyphenols on periodontal disease. These would decrease the ability to adhere to the oral tissues of a bacterium involved in these diseases and prevent the formation of a biofilm, while blocking the cell signaling responsible for inflammatory reactions. The results of the study were published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemestry. This discovery could allow dentists to substitute antibiotics for gels and dressings in which extracts of the bioactive blueberry compound are incorporated. They could also be incorporated into gum or mouthwash for preventive use.
The 3 three safest ways to ensure youthful skin:
- protect your skin from the sun
- do not smoke
- eat a healthy diet
In these three recognized ways, incorporating good antioxidants into your diet and routine skin care also have a very positive effect on your skin. Antioxidants slow down or largely prevent the effect of free radicals that through the phenomenon of oxidation can lead to cellular dysfunction. A diet rich in antioxidants can improve skin quality. Lutein, alpha-lipoic acid, vitamins C and E, carotenoids and polyphenols are all antioxidants that improve the skin, whether consumed or applied in cream form. When vitamins C and E are included in the diet, there is less sun damage after exposure to ultraviolet light.
Phytonutrient Canada