Phytonutrient products

Recommended foods and to avoid for prostate health


Here are some diet benchmarks for prostate health

  • Ginger is an excellent source of phenols. It contains gingerols, paradols, and shagaols, anticancer compounds, as mentioned in a study published in the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology. It provides marked anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiproliferative properties.
    Ginger and cancer
    Ginger and prostate cancer

    A number of additional studies have also confirmed that ginger is extremely effective at killing prostate, ovarian and cervical cancer cells. Moreover, some believe that the anti-cancer properties of ginger are even stronger than chemotherapy.

  • Vegetables of the cruciferous family for its isothyocians and their other antioxidants: such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, kohlrabi, radish watercress, leeks, onions, garlic, etc.
  • Increase the intake of vitamin E such as: whole grains, vegetable oils, wheat germ, nuts, margarine.
  • Opt for products rich in zinc such as: peas, brown rice, beans, almonds, barley, oats, pumpkin seeds.
  • crustaceans and molluscs, pumpkin seeds, such as pine nuts, pecans, fish and eggs
  • Take essential fatty acids (EFAs), which may help reduce inflammation inside the prostate: fish and vegetable oil that are rich in omega-3s.
  • Increase your intake of lycopene such as: tomatoes (cooked) in particular, pink grapefruit, watermelon.

    Excessive consumption of fast food increases the risk of experiencing prostate cancer.


  • Avoid saturated fats.
  • Limit your alcohol intake to reduce any inflammatory processes.
  • Lower the risk of inflammation by reducing or avoiding the consumption of alcohol, coffee and refined sugars. Smoking is also an important cause of inflammation.
  • Drink a lot: in order to properly clean the bladder avoiding doing it with coffee, alcohols or beer. Replace them with fruit juices to increase your intake of antioxidants especially vitamin C.
  • Avoid being overweight.



  • Kristal AR et al. American Journal of Epidemiology 2008; doi: 10. 1093/ye/kwn389
  • Bravi BF et al. Food groups and risk of benign prostatic hypertrophy Urology, 2006, vol. 67, pp. 73—79.

*Prostate cancer and foods to consume in great moderation

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