Phytonutrient products

Who are we?

Phytonutrient Canada (PC) was born in 2009 from an association between university researchers specializing in the search for naturally occurring anticancer agents and business people with knowledge of the field of natural health products.

We develop, manufacture and market health products approved by Health Canada. Innovation, creativity and efficiency are the main drivers of our product development.

Since the medical field is more than vast and our knowledge and resources do not allow us to manufacture enough creative, innovative and effective natural health products to cover all possible diseases, we focus our efforts on very specific health problems such as:

  • Prostate diseases
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Brain function


To know more about our company see the title pages:


Visit our shop: htpps://


Our range of Health Canada approved natural health products

Phytonutrient Canada Product Line


Our fruit and vegetable powders considered

as a superfood (22 flavours)

Vegetable powders - products sold by

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